The strength of a team: Our technical department

The strength of a team: Our technical department

Every day, our team combines its skills, shares its ideas and does everything in its power to achieve our common goals, which are also yours: to be competitive in today's markets and to increase your productivity.

As you know, we are currently facing circumstances beyond our control and our usual framework. Several factors influencing the supply chain have resulted in longer production or delivery times for products and services from a large number of suppliers.

Our technical department, with its many years of experience, is a valuable resource for your company. Available at all times to help you solve any problem you may be facing. Our specialists will be able to offer you a qualified service and advise you adequately on all your projects. They can offer you effective solutions, give you access to their expertise and suggest equivalent products that are quickly available to avoid any further delay in your deliverables!

Call on them:

  • To obtain information or research a product to order, or to obtain programming support for a product purchased from one of our suppliers.
  • If you need advice on obtaining alternative products when an order is late in arriving or if a replacement part for one of your machines is no longer available. They will be able to advise you adequately and help you find solutions so that you can be operational as quickly as possible!
  • If you have a project that involves security, automation, pneumatics or if you are planning an update of your facilities to increase the productivity of your business. We will take the time to visit with you, the premises of your company, to evaluate the available space, your constraints while taking into account your budget. Following our analysis, we will propose the best product options on the market to maximize your performance.

Today, the markets offer many products, each one more efficient than the other. Making a wise choice can sometimes be complex. Because we know better than anyone how difficult it is to plan the implementation of a new system in a company and because we also know the advantages of talking to someone who knows his products well, Electromag has expanded its technical team in order to be able to guide you in your many projects.

At Electromag, we care about your success, that's why you will always be sure to get the best customer service. Your satisfaction is our reward; there is nothing that makes us happier than knowing that we have solved your problems quickly while increasing your productivity!

Your experts :


Joce Arès                                       Billy Tremblay                                     Jérémie Côté

Technical Director                         Technical support internal                  Technical sales support                    


  Marc-André Lehoux                       Jean-Pierre Côté                               Patrick Paradis

  Pneumatic technical support        Pneumatic specialist                         Pneumatic specialist             

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